Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The positive for the fuselage.

The 2 last days have been spent working on the positive for the fuselage mould. The positive is made from three pieces of 10mm. balsa glued together. The center piece is hollowed out and a 10mm. carbon rod is glued in with glass rowing and cotton flock as filler. The three pieces are then weighted down on a flat surface that is checked for squareness. when the balsa block is dry, a lot of carving and sanding is done and the shape is checked with a lot of templates. Then the positive get a coating of fiberglass and epoxy. For the basic shaping of of the positive excluding tail and wing mounts, it took me a whole 7 hours. Then another hour to coat with epoxy.

Here you can see the finished result. The super fat tail mount area is not prepared at all and will look a lot better when it get some TLC. The triangular shape of the tailboom is clearly visible. The triangular shape has the wide part on top. This is reverse of the Freestyler 3 . The main reason is looks and the way the tail is going to be mounted with "pull for up".

So far happy with the result.
Comparing to my Furio 3 (2 piece v-tail) the front of the fuse is about 3mm lower in height. Its also 10mm ore narrow and a tadd more squaresided. The max thickness is 30mm. Can`t get much thinner than this if there is going to be room for servos inside.
The 10mm. carbon rod inside the positive.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Been working on the joiner positive and made the drawing for the fuselage.

The joiner positive is almost finished. It`s been a real test of my hand working skills. I`ve used a digital caliper and a micrometer to make sure that it is accurate to 0.1mm all over. Very time consuming.. -The dihederal was made with an analogue inclinometer to 5 degrees. This was later tested to 5.2 degrees with a digital inclinometer. 0.1 degree extra per side should not matter. The positive is made by covering a very accurate balsa core with glass fiber plate.

-I`ve also finished the drawing for the fuselage positive, It will be very minimalist with a few innovations. Worth mentioning is a new easier way of loading ballast and a triangular tailboom with the wide part on the topside to resist compression when pulling up in the turn. The plane will also feature "pull for up" -The next days will be spent making a lot of templates and laminating the balsa for the positive. There will be a 10mm carbon rod in the center to prevent the positive from warping.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Just some 3D drawings of the NWC wing. The CAD work is done by Francois Lorrain. The planform is based on my own design and the airfoil is a Dirk Pflug airfoil made especially for this project. Thanks guys!! -The wing positive is soon going to be milled in Germany in a directly polishable material. Then follows a lot of polishing, and then the final mould building.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

First V-tail out of the moulds.

Been sick with the flu this Christmas, and haven`t done all the building I wanted to do, but here is the first v-tail... The weight for the halves is 37 and 38g. A bit heavy I think. I want to get down to around 30g per halve. -On the positive side, the tailplanes are really stiff and strong.

Next up is the positives for the wing joiner. It will measure 340 x 35 x 13mm. Pictures will be posted soon.